2008년 6월 10일 화요일


We learned about 'open source' lecture. Then, let's see outline of today. *what is "resistance" in digital media? *models of politics - open-source software and virus.First, what is "resistance"? It is tactics and means to oppose the strategies of "The Prince". and countering the techniques and "technologies of power" that impose isolation, distraction and domination through surveillance, entertainment and force. For example, virus, trojan horse, worm, bomb etc.

Another notion of open source. There are many kind of open source.
Linux in openning system, Apache, BIND in internet and many programming tools.

I really surprise that today lecture is last class and it is very feeled the lack of no more see professor yoon.
Today's lecture open source is little familial because Some time ago virus makes me crazy. I was really busy to find computer vaccine to cure the computer. Also Linux and BIND program are used by me when I was young.

2008년 6월 6일 금요일

5.30 is a no class

Conference in media !!

5월 24일 public & privacy

A privacy is a the quality or state of being apart from company or observation and freedom from unauthorized intrusion . Architectures of privacy from doors, windows and fences to wires, networks, wireless networks, databases and search engines.
cookies are information that a web server stores on the machine running a web browser
that try clearing all of the cookies in your web browser and the visit web sites that you have been.

data mining task'sregression infer a function that relates a known variable to an unknown variable and classification: given a set of categories and a datum, put it into the correct category inference of sequential patterns: given a set of series, determine which things often occur before others. data mining is used for market research and other commercial purposes
and science and intelligence gathering

2008년 6월 3일 화요일

5월 18일 human

ratio of the senses is What I am saying is that media as extensions of our senses institute new ratios, not only among our private senses, but among themselves, when they interact among themselves. Radio changed the form of the news story as much as it altered the film image in the talkies. TV caused drastic changes in radio programming, and in the form of the thing or documentary novel. It is the poets and painters who react instantly to a new medium like radio or TV." from Marshall McLuhan Understanding media: the extensions of man

media studies is the theory and practice of exploring how people and things are connected, reflected, extended, reconfigured, and separated by technologies and techniques media as mirrors and media as machinations and media as prostheses
digital media studies is a kind of media studies that pays especial attention to the techniques and technologies of computers and computer networks

A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction. ... By the late twentieth century, our time, a mythic time, we are all chimeras, theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism; in short, we are cyborgs.”

5월 11일computer games

Computer Game

Game engine
A game engine is the core software component of a computer video game or other interactive application with real-time graphics. It provides the underlying technologies, simplifies development, and often enables the game to run on multiple platforms such as game consoles and desktop operating systems such as Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows. The core functionality typically provided by a game engine includes a rendering engine (“renderer”) for 2D or 3D graphics, a physics engine or collision detection (and collision response), sound, scripting, animation, artificial intelligence, networking, streaming, memory management, threading, and a scene graph. The process of game development is frequently economized by in large part reusing the same game engine to create different games.

Identification is known to psycho-analysis as the earliest expression of an emotional tie with another person. It plays a part in the early history of the Oedipus complex. A little boy will exhibit a special interest in his father; he would like to grow like him and be like him, and take his place everywhere. We may say simply that he takes his father as his ideal.
–from Sigmund Freud, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego
–Cf., Jacques Lacan on “The Mirror Stage,” and writings about identification in film theory by Laura Mulvey, Kaja Silverman, Christian Metz, Stephen Heath, and others

–Telephone is a cool medium, or one of low definition, because the ear is given a meager amount of information. And speech is a cool medium of low definition, because so little is given and so much has to be filled in by the listener. On the other hand, hot media do not leave so much to be filled in or completed by the audience. Hot media are, therefore, low in participation, and cool media are high in participation or completion by the audience. Naturally, therefore, a hot medium ... has very different effects on the user from a cool medium...

2008년 5월 4일 일요일

5/2일 computer-aid

Do you know CSCW?
CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work) is a field of research and design.
There is a 3 character.
One is researchers in this field investigate how people work together in groups, and design computer-systems and networks to enable or facilitate group work.

Two is considered to a part of a larger field known as CHI or HCI: human-computer interaction (HCI) design, evaluation, implementation, and study of interactive computing systems for human use.

Three, Practitioners include Lucy Suchman, Terry Winograd and Fernando Flores (as well as several hundred others in university and corporate research laboratories).

Agre’s surveillance model is visual metaphors and assumption that watching is
non-disruptive and territorial metaphors as in the invasion of private space

2008년 4월 29일 화요일

4. 26 human-computer interaction

Many people used HCI as tools. It is based on computer sicience. For example, Memex
and Sketchpad and NlS etc..

Now i explain Johnstone’s algorithm .
"I say to an actress, ‘Make up a story.’
She looks desperate, and says, ‘I can’t think of one.’‘Any story,’ I say. ‘Make up a silly one.’ ‘I can’t,’ she despairs.
‘Suppose I think of one and you guess what it is.’
At once she relaxes, and it’s obvious how very tense she was.
‘I’ve thought of one,’ I say, ‘but I’ll only answer “Yes,” “No,” or “Maybe.”’
She likes this idea and agrees, having no idea that I’m planning to say ‘Yes’ to any question that ends in a vowel, ‘No’ to any question that ends in a consonant, and ‘Maybe’ to any question that ends with the letter ‘Y’.
For example, should she ask me ‘Is it about a horse?’ I’ll answer ‘Yes’ since ‘horse’ ends in an ‘E.’
‘Does the horse have a bad leg?’
‘Does it run away?’
She can now invent a story easily, but she doesn’t feel obliged to be ‘creative,’ or ‘sensitive’ or whatever, because she believes the story is my invention. She no longer feels wary, and open to hostile criticism, as of course we all are in this culture whenever we do anything spontaneously.”

what number you say yes or no??

ethnomethodology's definition the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world.