2008년 6월 10일 화요일


We learned about 'open source' lecture. Then, let's see outline of today. *what is "resistance" in digital media? *models of politics - open-source software and virus.First, what is "resistance"? It is tactics and means to oppose the strategies of "The Prince". and countering the techniques and "technologies of power" that impose isolation, distraction and domination through surveillance, entertainment and force. For example, virus, trojan horse, worm, bomb etc.

Another notion of open source. There are many kind of open source.
Linux in openning system, Apache, BIND in internet and many programming tools.

I really surprise that today lecture is last class and it is very feeled the lack of no more see professor yoon.
Today's lecture open source is little familial because Some time ago virus makes me crazy. I was really busy to find computer vaccine to cure the computer. Also Linux and BIND program are used by me when I was young.

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